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10 Hard Truths That Will Help You Survive Life

10 Hard Truths That Will Help You Survive Life

Life is an unpredictable journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. While some moments can be joyous and exhilarating, others can be challenging and overwhelming. To survive life, we must confront and accept some hard truths. These truths may be difficult to acknowledge, but they can help us navigate through life’s challenges and emerge stronger and wiser.

In this article, we will explore the 10 hard truths that can help you survive life. These truths can help you not only survive but thrive in life. By accepting these truths, you can cultivate resilience, strength, and a greater sense of purpose. And as an aspring leader, if you are unknowingly standing in the way of your success, these truths can be your wake-up call, too.

1. Life is not fair.

One of the most challenging truths to accept is that life is not fair. Despite our best efforts, we may still face challenges and setbacks that seem undeserved. We may see others who are less deserving of success than ourselves, but who seem to achieve their goals effortlessly. No matter how much we wish for fairness, the truth is that bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. Life is not a meritocracy, and success is not always determined by hard work or talent.

It can be challenging to accept this truth, especially when we see people who, we feel, don’t deserve success or happiness more than we do, and enjoying them while we struggle. However, dwelling on this thought will not change the situation. We wake up each day and we’ve still the same and these people are still basking on their success and happiness. We must learn to accept that life is unpredictable, and sometimes, things won’t go our way.

Accepting this truth can help us let go of bitterness and resentment and focus on what we can control. We can work hard, pursue our dreams, and create a life that brings us happiness and fulfillment, despite life’s unfairness. It means that we don’t have to be perfect all the time, and we don’t have to beat ourselves up when things don’t go our way. Instead, we can focus on doing our best to make the most of any situation.

2. You are responsible for your own happiness.

Many of us fall into the trap of believing that happiness will come to us if we just wait long enough. We may believe that we need a certain job, relationship, or possession to be happy. However, the hard truth is that happiness is something that we must create for ourselves.

It’s easy to blame external circumstances for our unhappiness, like looking at our lives after browsing our friends’ Insta posts thinking why we’re stuck working while they’re out there traveling and having a good time. We wallow on self-pity. But the truth is that we have the power to choose how we react to what we see. We can choose to focus on our lives instead. Look at the positive aspects of our lives, practice gratitude, and cultivate a positive mindset. When we accept that we are responsible for our happiness, we can take control of our lives and create a life that brings us contentment, joy and fulfillment.

Create a Gratitude Journal. While writing, you will realize how many times you have ignored the little things and the small blessings that could have easily made your day.

3. Failure is a necessary part of success.

Success is often seen as the ultimate goal, but it’s important to recognize that failure is an inevitable part of the journey. No one is perfect, and everyone experiences setbacks and failures. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things, even if it means you may fail. Failure is not a reflection of your worth as a person, but rather a chance to learn and improve. We learn valuable lessons from our failures, and they can help us develop resilience and grit.

When we fail, it’s important to take time to reflect on what went wrong and what we can do differently next time. Instead of beating ourselves up or giving up, we should use failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

4. You can’t control everything.

One of the hardest truths to accept is that we can’t control everything. We may have a plan for our lives, but sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Things like traffic, cancelled meetings, or even fangirling often get us too worked up. This often leads to stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact our mental and physical health, including our relationships with other people.

Accepting that we can’t control everything can be liberating. We can let go of our desire for control and focus on what we can manage. We can learn to adapt to changing situations, embrace uncertainty, and trust that everything will ultimately work out. For example, if we find ourselves stuck in traffic on the way to an important meeting, we can use that time to review our presentation or practice our delivery. If we stan someone and there are things about them that trigger us, for example a mismanaged situation or an army of trolls posting hate comments about them,

5. Change is inevitable.

Change is a constant in life, and it can be challenging to navigate. We may feel comfortable with our current situation and resist change, but change is often necessary for growth and progress. Sometimes chagne is exciting like when we start a job or move to a new city. Other times, it can be scary and overwhelming, like when our work processess change or we are transitioning under a new management.

No matter what kind of change we’re facing, it’s important to remember that it’s a natural part of life. When we resist change, we make it harder on ourselves and the people around us. Instead, we should try to embrace it, knowing that it will eventually lead us to new opportunities and experiences.

6. Some losses can set you free.

It can be difficult to let go of people or things that we’ve grown attached to. However, sometimes, holding on to them can be more harmful than letting go. When we hold on to toxic relationships or situations, we may experience stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems.

Letting go means we’re making a conscious choice to prioritize our own well-being and growth. It takes courage to let go of something or someone we’re attached to, but it can be empowering to take control of our own lives and create the future we want for ourselves.

We may experience grief or sadness at first, but ultimately, we can move on and find greater happiness and fulfillment. For example, if we’re in a toxic relationship that’s causing us pain and stress, we can choose to end it and focus on ourselves. If we’re holding on to material possessions that no longer serve us, we can donate them or sell them and create space for new experiences and opportunities.

7. You can’t please everybody.

One of the most difficult things we face in life is the desire to please everyone around us. We want to be liked, accepted, and valued by others, and we often go to great lengths to make that happen. We say yes to things we don’t want to do, we hold back our opinions, and we try to be someone we’re not, all in the hopes of gaining the approval of others.

When we focus too much on pleasing others, we may lose sight of what’s important to us and compromise our values and beliefs. We may also find tht we’re unable to make decisions or take action because we’re so worried about what others will think.

The truth is that we can’t please everybody, no matter how hard we try. There will always be people who don’t like us or don’t agree with us, no matter how much effort we put into pleasing them. And that’s okay. In fact, it’s healthy to recognize this truth and learn to let go of the need for approval.

8. It’s okay to say NO.

We often feel pressured to say yes to everything, whether it’s a work assignment, a social event, or a personal request. We have a tendency to say “yes” to requests, even when we don’t have the time or resources to fulfill them. We may feel guilty or afraid of disappointing others, so we overcommit ourselves and end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

Learning to say “no” can be challenging, but it’s essential for our well-being. It allows us to set boundaries and prioritize our own needs and goals. By saying “no” to things that don’t align with our values or vision for our lives, we create space for the things that matter most to us.

It’s important to remember that saying “no” doesn’t mean we’re being selfish or unhelpful. In fact, it can be more helpful in the long run because it allows us to focus on our own goals and responsibilities, and prevents us from spreading ourselves too thin.

9. Find the good in every bad situation.

It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions when things aren’t going well. However, focusing on the negative can prevent us from seeing the good in a situation. No matter how bad a situation may seem, there is always something positive that we can focus on.

The ability to find the good in every bad situation is about looking for opportunities to learn, grow, and find new perspectives. When we encounter a difficult situation, it’s natural to focus on the negative aspects and feel overwhelmed by them. But by shifting our mindset and focusing on the positive, we can often find something good in even the most challenging circumstances.

For example, if we lose our job, we may feel stressed and worried about our financial situation. However, this could also be an opportunity to pursue a new career path that we’ve always been interested in. It could be a chance to take some time off and focus on personal development or travel. We could also use the experience to learn from our mistakes and improve our job search skills for the future.

Another example might be a difficult breakup. While it’s natural to feel heartbroken and overwhelmed, we can also use the experience to learn about ourselves and what we want in future relationships. It can be an opportunity to grow emotionally, become more independent, and focus on our own self-care.

In essence, finding the good in every bad situation is about being open to change and looking for opportunities to grow and learn. It’s not about denying or ignoring the difficulties we face, but rather, acknowledging them and choosing to focus on the positive aspects. With practice, this skill can help us build resilience and find meaning in even the most challenging circumstances.

10. Good things usually don’t come quickly.

We live in a world where instant gratification is often the norm. We want everything fast- fast food, fast internet, fast delivery- and we expect the same when it comes to achieving our goals and dreams. However, the truth is that good things usually don’t come quickly. In fact, they often take time, patience, and perseverance.

It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t happen as quickly as we’d like them to. We may feel like we’re stuck in a rut, or that our efforts aren’t paying off. But the reality is that most great achievements are the result of years of hard work, dedication, and persistence. Whether it’s a successful career, a fulfilling relationship, or a personal goal, it’s important to remember that good things take time. Remember that the journey is just as important as the destination, and enjoy the process of learning and growing along the way.